Man Spots Something Horrifying With His Drone

Published on November 19, 2019

Taking Care

Many people had been forced to leave their homes when the fires got too close. In their hurry, many had to leave pets alone in their homes. While Evan was doing his rounds in the communities, people asked him to check in on their pets, and to possibly feed them if it was possible. Of course, Evan obliged as many people as he could, finding and caring for cats, dogs, fish, and more. Everyone was so grateful for the peace that Evan was bringing to them.


Pet Patrol

Funding Help

Naturally, Evan wasn’t able to pay for all of the necessary food and items that all the pets needed. He was struggling, and people knew it. Luckily, his grateful neighbors put together a GoFundMe page, which they used to give Evan money for all of the work he had done and for how much they had helped him. In total, the group was able to raise more than $6,000! Evan couldn’t believe it, but he didn’t want the money!

CalIfornia Wildfires

Giving Back