Check out These Fascinating Government Photos That Show A Whole Other Side Of History

Published on September 11, 2023

John McCain’s Capture

Senator John McCain was on on a bombing mission in Hanoi 1967 during Operation Rolling Thunder when he was shot down and captured by the North Vietnamese. He remained a prisoner of war until 1973 and experienced much torture during his captivity. His wounds caused him to live with disabilities throughout the rest of his life. He was only given medical care by his captors after they found out that his father was an admiral. He was released after five and a half years along with 108 other POWs.

John McCain's Capture

John McCain’s Capture

Bikini Atoll

Following the second World War, Bikini Atoll in the Marshall Islands was used by the US as a nuclear testing site. In 1946, the atoll’s 167 inhabitants were forced to move to Rongerik as a result, and later were moved to Kwajalein Atoll in 1948. The islands were used for 23 nuclear tests up until 1958.

Bikini Atoll

Bikini Atoll