Check out These Fascinating Government Photos That Show A Whole Other Side Of History

Published on September 11, 2023

Lockheed A-12 Testing

When the Lockheed A-12, high altitude reconnaissance aircraft, built by the CIA, was being tested at Groom Lake test facility, better known as Area 51, it was mounted inverted, which made it look a bit odd. In April 1962 it was taken on its very first, and unofficial and unannounced flight with test pilot Louis Schalk, reaching Mach 1.1 at 40,000 feet.

Lockheed A 12 Testing

Lockheed A 12 Testing

Leaving His Family On The Moon

Astronaut Charlie Duke, the 10th man to walk on the Moon, decided to leave a photo of his family, encased in plastic, on the surface of the Moon when he landed there in April 1972. The photo is actually still on the lunar surface today, but its condition has likely deteriorated. He said that it was his way of bringing his family with him to the Moon.

Charles Duke was the 10th man to walk on the moon and also the youngest. During his mission in 1972, he left a portrait of his family in plastic. He even included a message to those who would go to the moon after him.

Leaving His Family On The Moon

Leaving His Family On The Moon