Here’s Where These “My 600 Pound Life” Participants Are Today

Published on May 9, 2022

Chuck Turner

When Chuck Turner appeared on the second season of My 600 Pound Life, Turner weight about 700 pounds. He was completely dependent on his wife and son, leading his wife to say that she sometimes felt like his servant. This lead him to want to make a change. He was able to lose 2/3 of his body weight and maintains a weight of about 260 pounds now. He also opened up that his weight gain was caused by the trauma of his first wife’s murder.

Chuck Turner

Chuck Turner

Laura Perez

Laura Perez weighted 594 pounds when she appeared on the show. She was hooked onto an oxygen tank and had to use a wheelchair, finding herself completely unable to care for herself on her own. She lost 182 while on the show and she has since lost over 300 pounds. She is reportedly pursuing beauty school now.

Laura Perez

Laura Perez