Man Spots Something Horrifying With His Drone

Published on November 19, 2019

Super Stardom  

Even though Evan never kept the money from the GoFundMe page, he did end up getting something in return for all of his hard work: Followers! Millions of them! Once Evan started to upload the footage of the spillway hole onto his YouTube account, there were millions of people who began to follow his account. By the end of it all, the man had more than 14 million people watching and commenting on all of his videos. It was incredible to see all of these people interested in his work!


Celebrity Status

The Right Place

Evan had been in the right place at the right time, managing to capture an incredible phenomenon on his beloved drone. It seemed like fate, really, that this humble man was able to be the first to find something that would become one of the most talked-about occurrences of the year. People were very glad for this man and his drone, and Evan continues to scour the county each day, keeping an eye out for his fellow Californians.


Perfect Timing