Interesting Historical Photos That Will Give You A Glimpse Into A Bygone Time

Published on June 26, 2023

Dolly Parton and Mick Jagger

These two legends of the music industry are none other than Dolly Parton and Mick Jagger, photographed backstage in 1977 at New York’s Bottom Line. While they’re both huge stars, since she is a country star and he is a rock star, it’s not so common to see them together.

Dolly Parton And Mick Jagger

Dolly Parton And Mick Jagger

Young Don Knotts

Long before Don Knotts found success, he had a tough start where he struggled a whole lot. He started out his career as a comic was as a ventriloquist with his dummy Danny “Hooch” Matador. He eventually began to hate the dummy, and threw it overboard in order to focus on acting. He eventually made it big, most notably for his role as Barney Fife on The Andy Griffith Show.

Young Don Knotts

Young Don Knotts