The Most Amazing Photos Captured By Drones

Published on May 18, 2023

Stuck in Traffic

No one likes waiting in traffic. Even after a 5-minute wait time, many begin to become impatient. Those in China would wish for a 5-minute delay if they found themselves stuck on this 50-lane highway. The highway exits on the Hong Kong border, called the Beijing-Hong-Kong-Macau Highway. Unsurprisingly, the worst time to travel the road is during the holidays. In 2010, one traffic jam lasted up to 12 days, a nightmare even a New Yorker wouldn’t want to suffer through.

Traffic In China

Traffic In China

Sunny Side Up

Many people have joked about the notion of weather that is so hot, you can cook eggs on the sidewalk. What about cooking them near East Lake in China? The sculptures sit beside the lake in Wuhan, China. A few of the sculptures appear as if they’re kissing, a view of which is only seen from a birds-eye view. Not much is mentioned about the sculptures on the internet and it is hard to know whether the egg sculptures are still there.

Sculptures Of Eggs In China

Sculptures Of Eggs In China