The Most Amazing Photos Captured By Drones

Published on May 18, 2023

A Truck Runneth Over

When Ilya Martyanov took off for whatever destination he sat out for, he never would’ve thought he’d end up taking both a hilarious and unfortunate drone photo. The truck, somehow detailed from the road it traveled on, spilled most of its contents onto the grass beside it. The contrast of red alongside the black and white cars driving by creates an artistic flare within the photo. The driver was most likely not too happy with whatever or whoever ran him off the road.

Fallen Truck

Fallen Truck

Of Birds and Moose

Birds are one of the few animals that can create art from the common elements around them. This nest is the most famous bird’s nest in the world. The nest is located in the Kalahari Desert, a 350,000 square mile area traveling throughout Botswana, Nambia, and South Africa. A nest of this magnitude could last around 100 years, and with the upkeep from birds using things like twigs, grass, and cotton, it could possibly last longer.

Moose Shaped Nests

Moose Shaped Nests